Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Digital Citizenship

Digital Citizenship basically mean the ability to remain polite or actively participate in an online community/ society. An example of this that is seen often is in youtube, where almost every comment insults ones sexuality or flat out insults them for no particular reason. These comments are a result of people who have nowhere to discharge their negativity, so they choose to pass it on to others via verbal insults. Rarely, there are positive people who have learned how to control their anger and relieve them in a healthier and more positive way, such as exercise. Anyways, digital citizenship also refers to participating positively, like having an online website that helps people as well and updating it daily for the benefit of the people. Hence, stay positive and supportive.


  1. The youtube dilemma is so true, almost every comment you read is something about the other person's sexuality... and in some its just the "grammar police."

  2. Liked your finishing comment, and also liked the fact that you included your own opinion at the end.

  3. I also agree with the digital citizen ship and it is truely importsnt that we all cooperate with it to make the web a happy and safe place to enjoy.
